Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Super Snack

So it's been awhile since my last post and I realized that the promise I made to myself of starting a journal of sorts and keep up with it was in danger of being broken. That being said...I finally thought up a decent topic to make a comeback with!


Seriously! I've recently discovered that out of all the snack foods out there available for consumption during programming ... especially when running low on energy and focus...nuts are the best! They're full of energy and don't put you in a food coma or worse... a sugar crash. They don't leave your fingers covered in cheesy powder (or ranch flavored powder...) they don't burst into crumbs and get all over the desk or keyboard and I'm fairly sure they're pretty awesome as far as being healthy for you goes...although I'm sure there's a point where one can eat too many nuts but I've always filled up before I've gotten to that point I think. I've discovered that I really like lightly salted cashews ... for some reason they go really well with redbull. And although kinda ridiculous to go off on a healthy snack and then turn around and say it goes well with an energy drink when I should be saying something like "goes well with water, juice or tea"... but... some things just can't be substituted for!

That about does it for my cashew fueled blog post on ...cashews... count this post as practice and hopefully my next won't be so random!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


I was just given an awesome discovery! My sister and I recently tackled a 1500 piece puzzle within 2.5 days and I got hooked on puzzles lol When the work week started I had a 1000 piece puzzle sitting and waiting for the weekend but ended up busting it open early because I realized that firstly I was hooked on puzzles lol and second it's an awesome way to take a break from debugging without taking a break. The puzzle promotes problem solving and thinking outside of the box (those pieces that you think for sure fits in one area but ending up going somewhere totally different lol) and it gives my eyes a break from the screen. I had a programming issue I ended up chewing on way into the evening and I didn't want to watch tv or play any video games because I really wanted to keep my train of thought and that prompted me to start the puzzle and as I worked on the puzzle the programming issue stayed in the back of my mind and I kind of just mulled over it while working on the puzzle. And after 15 minutes I really think that puzzle got something rolling in my brain and I was able to make a breakthrough! It's really odd to have something as simple as a jigsaw puzzle have such an impact on something I thought I needed to just grind at but it makes sense all at the same time and I'm really excited to have found it as well. Now I need to find a good place to stock up on puzzles and retest this theory and see if I can't reproduce the results! lol

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Continuing Education

I attended a web development/design information session over the weekend at Bellevue College and I gotta admit I'm kind of excited at the prospects of signing up for classes. I've already registered for the Javascript course and am eyeing the course on SQL Queries. There are quite a few that I find interesting in general even if there's not immediate benefit like C# and such. I'm actually considering just going for the certificate itself instead of taking a few courses here and there which was what I was planning to do originally. But I'll only go for the certificate if I can get out of courses like... introduction to HTML ^_^;

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Portfolio finished!

huzzah! portfolio is done! Just something very simple and straight forward and I hope easy to use. Although I want something that is basically bare bones as far as looks - just the essential images and text, nothing fancy - where the content isn't overpowered by too many images but at the same time it's not like reading a dictionary!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why hello there world ^_^

Finally getting around to redesigning tenshistudios.com and I'm actually kinda excited...more so than usual. Giving blogging a serious try this time and hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it! I figure if I keep it to site updates...and ponderings on my (hopefully) continued growth as a web developer I'll be more dedicated about it rather than letting it go neglected for months/years at a time. Also! Trying to be a bit less cluttered than the last few tries... last time I tried to use Drupal...which is really awesome but I think was too burly for what I really need and the time before that I was under the impression that I needed a ton of links in my navigation and as a result needed a ton of content to justify all those links... O_o ... so I'm trying to go the simplified route and give that a shot. so...here it goes! ^_^